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SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico PUERTO RICO-SHERATON HOTEL Roadside ca1960's Postcard
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Charlotte Amalie ST THOMAS US VIRGIN ISLANDS Postcard
Traffic Circle from Miramar Charter House Hotel - Santurce PR, Puerto Rico
Greetings from Puerto Rico El Morro Castle in San Juan
Postcard RPPV View of Typical Street & Spanish Architecture , San Juan, PR Y4
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Puerto Rico - San Juan. The Caribe Hilton
Bathing Beaches invigorating Surf and Soft White Sand PR, Puerto Rico - pm 1956
RIO PIEDRAS, Puerto Rico ~ Aerial View UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO 1965 Postcard
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PR Views Bacardi Rum Distillery SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO PC
Vintage Postcard 1963 Used Caribe Hilton Hotel SAN Juan Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico - San Juan. The Caribe Hilton
Pool at One of Puerto Rico's Most Beautiful Hotels Playground of the Carribbean
Panama Canal Zone French Clapet Ship Being Repaired Cristobal Postcard (C. 1910)
Colorful Birds of the El Yunque Rain Forest - Puerto Rico
Postcard San Jose Church , Old San Jose Puerto Rico X4
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Group of School Children Philippines Postcard (C. 1907)
Greetings from Puerto Rico Old San Francisco Street Entrance to San Juan
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico ~ LA CONCHA HOTEL 1962 - ca 1950s Taxi Cabs Postcard
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The Caribe Hilton Hotel San Juan Puerto Rico
2 Postcards CHARLOTTE AMALIE, Virgin Islands ~ Birdseye VIRGIN ISLE HILTON 1960s
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Royal Caribbean Cruise Liner - San Juan PR, Puerto Rico
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Postcard HOTEL SCENE San Juan Puerto Rico PR AI9806
Pre-1980 ETERNALLY GREEN RAIN FOREST El Yunque Forest - Near San Juan PR E8015
Rppc Tumon BAY Guam Ships Beach Real Photo Postcard (C. 1940s)
Gruss AUS Unterberg Austria Stefansbrucke to Boston Massachusetts Postcard 1898
Postcard HOTEL SCENE San Juan Puerto Rico PR AI9776
Postcard HOTEL SCENE State of US Virgin Islands VI AS2865
Pre-1980 HARBOR SCENE St. Thomas US Virgin Islands USVI hp7165
Pre-1980 STREET SCENE San Juan Puerto Rico PR hp2565
Unused Pre-1980 BUILDING St. Thomas US Virgin Islands USVI hn7959
Unused Pre-1980 BUILDING San Juan Puerto Rico PR hn7985
Pre-1980 BUILDING San Juan Puerto Rico PR ho1077
Pre-1980 BUILDING St. Thomas US Virgin Islands USVI ho0771
Pre-1980 BUILDING San Juan Puerto Rico PR ho0812
Pre-1980 FORTRESS EL MORRO San Juan Puerto Rico PR hn5609
Pre-1980 BLUEBEARD'S CASTLE St. Thomas Us Virgin Islands USVI H5859
Pre-1980 HOTEL SCENE St. Thomas Us Virgin Islands USVI G9850
Pre-1980 HOTEL SCENE St. Thomas Us Virgin Islands USVI H0633
Pre-1980 CHURCH SCENE San German Puerto Rico PR G4038
Unused Pre-1980 PROGRESSIVE CONDADO AREA San Juan Puerto Rico PR F8348
Pre-1980 HOUSES ON DENMARK HILL St. Thomas Us Virgin Islands USVI F5680
Unused Pre-1980 RESTAURANT SCENE St. Thomas Us Virgin Islands USVI B8787
Damaged By Tape Residue Pre-1980 HOTEL SCENE San Juan Puerto Rico PR B3769
Unused Pre-1980 HILTON HOTEL Someone Puerto Rico PR c0583
Damaged-Back Pre-1980 HOTEL SCENE St. Thomas Us Virgin Islands USVI B2524
Unused Pre-1980 WATERFRONT AT HOTEL Dorado Beach - Near San Juan PR B0825
Unused Pre-1980 HOTEL SCENE San Juan Puerto Rico PR B0579
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