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Holidays & Celebrations
Santa Claus
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Greeting - Christmas, Santa Claus (red suit)
Greeting - Christmas, Santa Claus (red suit)
Greeting - Christmas, Santa Claus (red suit)
Greeting - Christmas, Santa Claus (red suit)
Greeting - Christmas, Santa Claus (red suit)
Greeting - Christmas, Santa Claus (red suit)
Greeting - Christmas, Santa Claus (red suit)
Modern Card Santa Claus Unused
Santa Claus Christmas Hand Painted 1909
Santa Claus Christmas Reproduction Unused
John Winch 1912, Santa Claus, Christmas writing on back wear on top edge and...
Modern Card Santa Claus Unused
Santa Claus Unused light wear close to grade 1
Santa Claus Greetings - Kris Kringle Series - pm 1909 Norwich NY - DB
Santa Claus Christmas Reproduction 1989
John Winsch Santa Claus writing on back pin hole most likely from embossing w...
Merry Christmas & Santa Claus used c1923
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Publisher Whitney Santa Claus writing on back horizontal crease a lot of corn...
Santa Claus Christmas Unused
'Santa Claus Brings Love ...' Santa at Door Unused c1910s
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Santa Claus Christmas 1940 crease right top corner
Santa Claus Christmas Whitney Made 1916
Christmas Santa Claus writing on back writing on back
Santa Claus Christmas Hand Made, Santa is pasted on card 1917 writing on front
Santa Claus Christmas Teddy Bear Writing on back vertical crease and small cr...
Brown Suit Santa Claus 1908 missing right top corner
Santa Claus 1910 minor corner wear, postal used 1910
Santa Claus Chirstmas Carte, Postal Postal Unused close to perfect corners
Santa Claus Christmas Reproduction Unused
Santa Claus Christmas Writing on back light crease, light paper wear on back ...
Santa Claus, Christmas Blue Suit writing on back light indentation right edg...
Merry Christmas Santa Claus & Snow Scene used c1910
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Happiness be Yours Santa Sleigh Children Beds unused c1910's
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Modern Card Santa Claus Unused
Santa Claus, Christmas 1910 postal used 1910
Santa Claus 1923 crease left top and left edge, a lot of yellowing from age a...
Santa Claus Christmas Unused
'Christmas Query...' Santa Smoking Pipe Unused c1920s
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Christmas Santa Claus writing on back writing on back
Green Suit Christmas Santa Claus Unused very light wear, small indentation t...
Santa Claus Christmas 1918
Christmas Santa Claus 1917 light wear close to grade 2, postal marking on fr...
Santa Claus Christmas Writing on back
Santa Claus Holiday Christmas Unused
Christmas Santa Claus writing on back crease right top corner, corner wear, ...
Publisher John Winsch Artist Schmucker, Christmas Santa Claus 1914 chip miss...
Santa Claus Christmas Unused
Santa Claus Christmas Writing on back
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