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Maine State Prison Thomaston, Maine USA Prison Unused
Lansing State Prison Leavenworth, Kansas USA Prison 1910
US Federal Prison Terre Haute, Indiana USA Prison Unused
Federal Prison Leavenworth, Kansas USA Prison Unused
Old Jail,York,MA
Postcard Old Steam Bagnard Ile de Re Saint Martin Travel from convicts to Fre...
South Wing Cells, Auburn Prison, AUburn NY 1929
Old Postcard Mont Saint Michel Blanqui in prison
State Penitentiary,Lincoln,NE
City Jail in Ciudad Juarez, Old Mexico, 1930-40s
203179 IRAN SHIRAZ Karim-Khan Zand's Prison Vintage photo PC
415888 Germany WORPSWEDE Childrens House political prisoners bathing room
289177 POLAND Kalisz prison house Vintage ART DECO postcard
Old Postcard Steam Bagnard Ile de Re Saint Martin Travel from Forcats for Guy...
Connecticut State Prison - Wethersfield
BATAVIA , New York , 00-10s ; Jail
Old Jail St Augustine, Florida USA Prison Unused
's-GRAVENHAGE, Gevangenpoort, (Prison-Gate) South Holland, Netherlands, 00-10s
Convicts , "Right in Line" , 1906
Kitchen, The Old Jail (1653), York, Maine, 1900-1910s
ISLE OF WIGHT, England, 1900-1910's; King Charles 1st Prison Window, Carisbro...
Alcatraz Island, SAN FRANCISCO , California , 50-60s
GABON , 00-10s : Libreville , La Prison
289730 USSR Leningrad Lithuanian Castle prison Vintage GIZ postcard
FLINT, Michigan, 1930-1940's; Court House And Jail, Classic Cars
235494 Morocco Moroccan prisoners Vintage Levy postcard
STILLWATER , Minnesota , 1906 ; State Prison
3177908 GERMANY cemetery prisoners Grafenwohr Vintage PC
Indiana State Prison - Michigan City
Ohio State Penitentiary Columbus, Ohio USA Prison 1910
248438 Russia MOSCOW Society released from prison Vintage PC
JACKSON , Michigan , 00-10s ; State Prison
Old Postcard Steam Bagnard Ile de Re Entree of convicts to the depot TOP
ST. PETER, Minnesota, 1900-10s; Court House & Jail
US Federal Prison Leavenworth, Kansas USA Prison Unused
ATLANTA , Georgia , 1930-40s ; Penitentiary
PARIS, Maine, PU-1928; Hamlin Memorial Hall, Formely The Old County Jail
Prison Of Socrates, Athens, Greece, 1910-1920s
Carcel "Jail" , C. JUAREZ , Mexico , 00-10s
3172897 FRANCE CANNES Prison du Masque Vintage postcard
3133114 SWITZERLAND Chateau de CHILLON Prison de Bonivard OLD
US Federal Prison Terre Haute, Indiana Prison Unused
236410 FRANCE AUXERRE Prison 1929 year RPPC to Ethiopia
Kansas State Prison - Lansing
3088961 Moscow Barricade on Dolgorukovskaya street near prison
3088955 Moscow Barricade on Dolgorukovskaya street near prison
Kilby Prison Montgomery, Alabama USA Prison 1931
MICHIGAN CITY , Indiana , 00-10s ; State Prison
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