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Sailing , 1957
First Cape to Rio Sailing Race , 1981
Sailboats becalmed in Sandy bay , Massachusetts , 40-60s
Sailboarding , TOUKLEY N.S.W. , Central Coast , Australia , 70-80s
Sailboat , 00-10s
Sailing , NEILLSVILLE , Wisconsin , 1943
Yacht Racing Comic ; Close Hauled for Durkees , 00-10s
MATAPEDIA, Quebec, Canada, 1940-1960s; Siling Off Shore, Vacation Time, Souve...
Sailing On Caspian Lake, Greensboro, Vermont, 1940-1960s
Yachting off Enoshima Island , Japan , PU-1975
Sailboats , Yawl with Balloon , 1930s
Sailing on Kentucky Lake, Lower Tennessee,40-60s
Sailboat , "A Stiff Breeze" , 00-10s
Race Day for Sailboats,40-60s
1930-1940's; Yachting On The Great Kentucky Lake
District Star Class Regatta, Seneca Yacht Club, Seneca Lake, Geneva, New York...
Postcard Modern Lumiere Beauty and the Windsurfers French Riviera in the Medi...
WINTHROP, Maine; Sailing on Lake Cobbosseecontee, Maine State Y.M.C.A, Camp, ...
Sailboat, Sailing, Clipper, 1950-1970s
Yacht Racing Comic ; Off Newport Watching a Heavy Swell for Durkee , 00-10s
Royal Yacht Squadron, Sailboat Flags, 40-60´
Wind Surfing In Florida
RP: Sailing Vessel ; "CHEROKEE" , International 8-metre Class , 30-50s
NEWPORT , Rhode Island , 1962 ; America's Cup Yachts
SCHROON LAKE , New York , 1968 ; Sailing
Kanonudden , Filipstad , Sweden , 00-10s
Regional Royal Yacht Club, Sailboat Flags, 40-60'
Wind Surfing In Florida
Sunfish Sailing In Florida
Regional Yacht Clubs/ 2, Sailboat Flags, 40-60´
SHREVEPORT , Louisiana , 1930-40s ; Sail Boating on Cross Lake
Schooner Race on the MISSISSIPPI Coast , 1930-40s
Modern Postcard Images of Sea Regatta Arrival
A Moonlight Sail , 00-10s
Modern Postcard The French Riviera in the Wind paradise Windsurfing Saint Lur...
Yacht Racing America's Cup Races "Sovereign & Constellation" 1...
Yachting Season, advertisement by Charles Ulmer, Inc. NY and MD ~ Chrome
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Heeling in a Stiff Breeze, Sailing
479252 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
Sailing Along with the Breeze (12302
Sailing Along! (12301
479261 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
479260 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
479259 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
479262 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
479255 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
479254 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
479256 1978 Estonia Olympic sailing yachts yachting edition 40000 Eesti Raamat
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